Photography Ken Brass
Makeup and hair Miriam Van Cooten assisted by Jasmine Abdallaoui
Thomas Cook lace trim tank in white, $29.95. (thomascook.com.au)
We Are Kindred Delfina Wrap maxi skirt, $199. (wearekindred.com.au)
MVC topaz ring, $75. (http://miriamvancooten.com.au/)
Coop by Trelise Cooper Last Resort Blue Breeze dress, $429. (http://trelisecooper.com/)
Trelise Cooper Cookie Cutter, Love Bites top, $279, and Trelise Cooper Daisy Chain, Trot a Dicky Bird pant, $399. (http://trelisecooper.com/)
Harris Scarfe Isabella Donella platform wedge sandal, $79.95. (http://harrisscarfe.com.au/)
MVC pearl studs, $35. (http://miriamvancooten.com.au/)
Baku Essential bra top, $119.95, and Baku Casablanca Ultra High Waist pant, $79.95. (http://www.bakuswimwear.com.au/)
Basil Bangs Miss Marigold beach umbrella, $450. (basilbangs.com)
Ici et la Foulta beach towel, $45. (http://www.icietla.com.au/)
RM Williams Opalton jacket, $200. (rmwilliams.com.au)
Trenery Modal Stripe top, $129. (trenery.com.au)
Thomas Cook Susan Wonder jean, $99.95. (thomascook.com.au)
Trenery Soho sandal, $99.95. (trenery.com.au)
Oliver Peoples Afton Sun Wayfarer sunglasses, $525. (http://oliverpeoples.com/)
Coop by Trelise Cooper Pomegranate Punch, Tropicana playsuit, $299. (http://trelisecooper.com/)
RM Williams Pawleena sandals, $220. (rmwilliams.com.au)
Model sits on Classic Rowboat by Balmain Boat Company. (http://thebalmainboatcompany.com/)
Trenery Rider jacket, $299, and Rib Neck tee, $69.95. (trenery.com.au)
RB Sellars Livia Twill shorts, $49.95. (http://www.rbsellars.com.au/)
Misguided Bebette straw bow hat, $49.76. (https://www.missguidedau.com/)
Model sits on Classic Rowboat by Balmain Boat Company. (http://thebalmainboatcompany.com/)
Tommy Hilfiger Galore Print blouse, $149. (03) 8416 8600
RB Sellars Kirsten chambray shorts, $49.95. (http://www.rbsellars.com.au/)
Oliver Peoples Soloist Clear sunglasses, $595. (http://oliverpeoples.com/)
thomas Cook Mary leather belt in browm, $49.95. (thomascook.com.au)
Harris Scarfe Isabella Donella platform wedge sandal, $79.95. (http://harrisscarfe.com.au/)
MVC pearl studs, $35. (http://miriamvancooten.com.au/)
Ice et la basic stool in Saint Cyprien fabric, $80. (http://www.icietla.com.au/)
Trelise Cooper Colette Pocket Science top, $329. (http://trelisecooper.com/)
RM Williams Torrita pants in white, $120. (rmwilliams.com.au)
MVC pearl studs, $35. (http://miriamvancooten.com.au/)
Ici et La Basic deckchair in Saint Cyprien fabric, $165. (http://www.icietla.com.au/)